Friday, September 11, 2009

Is America Post Racial?

The more things change, the more they stay the same. I remember as a young boy in the 1930s and 1940s in Louisiana listening to white politicians who were running for public office and were honest enough in the reason for running to say they were going to keep the "nigras" down. Today people have developed code words to say the same thing without having to say it. I have lived 77 years in this country and know that things have changed on the surface but not down at the root. The code words say the same thing and move whites who are willing to work against their own welfare; they cannot or will not see what is happening to them.

My 40 plus years of working on changing schools and other institutions from segregation to integration have given me some insights that I would like share.

First, many of these institutions just want to mix bodies but not change the corporate culture. The outburst and disrespect shown to the President demonstrate to us that there is much work to be done to change the corporate culture of the Congress.

  • Are our elected officials strong enough to confront those needed changes head on?
  • Are we as a nation strong enough to face the issue of race head on or do we want to gloss over it?
  • Are we going to attempt to convince ourselves the election of an African American president has made this country post racial?
  • Or are going to come to the realization that this election has brought race to the surface and needs to be dealt honestly? We have to answer this question once and for all.

Since the day President Obama announced that he was running for the presidency people have tried to discredit him and his quest for the highest office that many White men thought that they were entitled to by birth. Was he qualified? Was he strong enough? Now that the majority of the people in America said yes, there are other things that must be done make sure he is not successful. Code words are being used to soil and defeat his presidency. His birthplace is questioned, his friendships questioned, his religion questioned, his motive for wanting to urge students to stay in school was questioned, and his motive to have good health care for everyone is questioned.

Over the years the Black man has been turned into the Big Buck, a demon who is to be feared and kept in his place or destroyed. We cannot let them destroy this intelligent, courageous, caring human being, OUR PRESIDENT, BARACK OBAMA.


  1. Good job on your first posting. Makes a lot of sense

  2. Very insightful and your first sentence said it all.
